Reaching for the stars: schoolkids from Vermont Avenue Elementary make radio contact with the International Space Station

After the live radio contact on Oct. 28, schoolkids of Vermont Avenue Elementary School made the "Fight On" sign with employees of USC's Joint Educational Project (JEP). (Photo by Ling Luo)

After the live radio contact on Oct. 28, schoolkids of Vermont Avenue Elementary School made the "Fight On" sign with employees of USC's Joint Educational Project (JEP). (Photo by Ling Luo)

A joint effort between USC’s Joint Educational Project and the volunteer group Amateur Radio on the International Space Station (ARISS) allowed 10 children from the local South LA elementary school to talk to Luca Parmitano, an astronaut on board the space station.


An Interview with Ben Trousdale, Critical Care nurse at USC Keck Medical Center